Jeffrey Thomas Art
My name is Jeffrey Stewart Thomas and I was born on Halloween Eve in Lansing, Michigan 1979. As a young boy I realized my passion for all types of art. I was lucky to have a family who saw my talents and encouraged me to focus on my dreams and goals.

Growing up in Riverhead, New York, a small town on eastern Long Island, I remember sitting at my Grandparent’s kitchen table drawing shapes and lines of my favorite cartoon characters and super heroes. I remember how proud I felt when I saw my artwork displayed on their refrigerator door. After graduating from High School I enrolled in the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale where I was encouraged to expand my creativity.

I consider art to be a way of life for me. Wherever I go I look for inspiration and the ability to try something new. I enjoy creating unique sculptures, illustrations, paintings on canvas, and caricatures just to name a few. It is a great feeling to finish work on a project and then see it displayed in a gallery.

I created this website to share my art with people that I have never met. I hope you will see my talents and unique abilities. I am always open to new ideas and hope to hear from you.